
Wednesday, January 13, 2016

State of Emergency - Repairers of the Breach

The burden of souls has been intensified in my spirit lately.  I've been ministering from such subjects as, "A Growing Awareness" ( A subject I borrowed from Bishop Michael Blue) and such subjects as, "God's Testimony"; "Apologetics without Apology"; "Repairers of the Breach", and others.  All of which stress the value of salvation.  It disturbs me that so many church-going souls are not even sure if they are saved.  They are using the term, "I go to church", "I'm a Christian" or "I'm very spiritual" as if they are interchangeable with what Jesus refers to as Salvation.

I've been offering apologies on behalf of those who have been hurt, disappointed or even abused by church leaders with whom they placed their trust.  I'm not new ... I know that people have all kinds of stories and all kinds of excuses for their lack of commitment to God but I have come to the very disheartening reality that many of them are truly, deeply wounded, angry and refuse to trust church leaders, and/or organized religion as a whole.  When you become vulnerable to a leader and trust him/her with your soul and your personal proclivities, issues and family secrets because you honestly believe this person is God-fearing and he/she is found blatantly guilty of some public indiscretion; if you are not careful or strong in faith, it can be devastating.

I believe there are far too many people who remain spiritually stagnated because although they won't say it, they truly believe that "this" does not work. When people who invite them to church live completely different lives before them or talk about the people with whom they worship as if they are enemies; it paints a really sad picture of Christianity.

Well,  I'm on a mission to help repair this breach if I can.  I want to do as Kurt Carr's song suggests, "We gotta put Jesus back where He belongs!" We must re-present Jesus to this post-modern generation! I applaud men like Bishop Michael Blue, Pastor Carlton Spruill whose ministries have stamped an indelible determination in my spirit to do something! I certainly celebrate and honor my husband, Bishop Archie L. McInnis, II who lives the life he preaches about and shares weekly and daily lessons that stir up the passion of real ministry in me.

Won't you join me in repairing the breach that we who have sat too long, complacently within the confines of our churches may well be responsible for?